Pseudo-valuations and pseudo-metric on JU-algebras
OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 1, pp. 440 – 446 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Usman Ali, Moin A. Ansari, Masood Ur Rehman
Abstract: In this paper we have introduced the concept of pseudo-valuations on JU-algebras and have investigated the relationship between pseudo-valuations and ideals of JU-algebras. Conditions for a real-valued function to be a pseudo-valuation on JU-algebras are given and results based on them have been shown. We have also defined and studied pseudo-metric on JU-algebras and have proved that \(\vartheta\) being a valuation on a JU-algebras \(A\), the operation \(\diamond\) in \(A\) is uniformly continuous.