TCMS – Vol 2 – Issue 3 (2022) – PISRT Thu, 26 Jan 2023 14:51:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ultrasound guided anterior approach coeliac plexus ethanol neurolysis for pain relief in gastric and pancreatic malignancy Tue, 30 Aug 2022 20:03:57 +0000
TCMS-Vol. 2 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 18 - 23 Open Access Full-Text PDF
D. Ashok Kumar, Ganesh Annamalai, Nadar Kalaivani Venkatasami and Sivabalan R G
Abstract: Background and Aim: Chronic cancer pain is one of the major challenges of palliative care and it is prevalent in 80\% of all the gastric and pancreatic malignancies. Adequate pain relief not only improves the drug compliance, but also alleviates depression among the cancer patients, thereby improving the quality of life. This study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the role of Coeliac Plexus ethanol Neurolysis (CPN) in pain relief among patients with gastric and pancreatic malignancy. Methods and materials: This is an uncontrolled before-and-after non randomized trial. This bedside procedure was done in an ICU in chronic pain management centre. Trial coeliac plexus block was done after identification of coeliac trunk using ultrasound and 15 cc of 1% xylocard was given. After 30 minutes, pain relief was assessed with Numerical Rating Scale for pain (NRS). Patient was then given 20ml of 60% ethanol. Pain relief was documented using NRS immediately at 24hours, 72 hours,1 week and 3 months. Statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version (SPSS) version 16.0. Paired t test was used to analyze the difference between variables. Results: Our study shows statistically significant difference between pre-NRS and post immediate-NRS (mean 8.26\(\pm\)0.52 and 3.40 \(\pm\)0.47)(P value \(<0.0001\)) and significant decrease in NRS seen after 24 hours,72 hours,1 week and 3 months. Conclusion: USG guided anterior approach coeliac plexus ethanol neurolysis is effective in decreasing pain associated with gastric and pancreatic malignancy. ]]>

Trends in Clinical and Medical Sciences

Ultrasound guided anterior approach coeliac plexus ethanol neurolysis for pain relief in gastric and pancreatic malignancy

D. Ashok Kumar\(^{1}\), Ganesh Annamalai\(^{2}\), Nadar Kalaivani Venkatasami\(^{2}\) and Sivabalan R G\(^{3,*}\)
\(^{1}\) Department of Anaesthesia and Pain, Tamilnadu Government Multi Super Speciality Hospital, Omandurar estate, Omandurar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
\(^{2}\) Institute of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care Rajiv Gandhi Government general Hospital, Madras Medical College, Madras, India.
\(^{3}\) Department of Anaesthesia, Institute of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Correspondence should be addressed to Sivabalan R G at


Background and Aim: Chronic cancer pain is one of the major challenges of palliative care and it is prevalent in 80\% of all the gastric and pancreatic malignancies. Adequate pain relief not only improves the drug compliance, but also alleviates depression among the cancer patients, thereby improving the quality of life. This study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the role of Coeliac Plexus ethanol Neurolysis (CPN) in pain relief among patients with gastric and pancreatic malignancy.
Methods and materials: This is an uncontrolled before-and-after non randomized trial. This bedside procedure was done in an ICU in chronic pain management centre. Trial coeliac plexus block was done after identification of coeliac trunk using ultrasound and 15 cc of 1% xylocard was given. After 30 minutes, pain relief was assessed with Numerical Rating Scale for pain (NRS). Patient was then given 20ml of 60% ethanol. Pain relief was documented using NRS immediately at 24hours, 72 hours,1 week and 3 months. Statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version (SPSS) version 16.0. Paired t test was used to analyze the difference between variables.
Results: Our study shows statistically significant difference between pre-NRS and post immediate-NRS (mean 8.26\(\pm\)0.52 and 3.40 \(\pm\)0.47)(P value \(<0.0001\)) and significant decrease in NRS seen after 24 hours,72 hours,1 week and 3 months.
Conclusion: USG guided anterior approach coeliac plexus ethanol neurolysis is effective in decreasing pain associated with gastric and pancreatic malignancy.


Autonomic nerve block; Chronic pain; Coeliac plexus; Ultrasonography; Pancreatic neoplasms.

1. Introduction

The incidence of Gastric malignancy is relatively high in southern parts of India [1] particularly in Chennai and the incidence of pancreatic malignancy is also rising in India. Although surgical resection procedures can be done,only 15-20% present themselves to the hospital at that stage. Pain associated with gastric and pancreatic malignancy presents mostly as abdominal pain that often radiates to the back. Mid epigastric Pain is the most common symptom in these patients. About 80% of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer complain of abdominal and/or back pain [2]. At the time of diagnosis, the disease is often advanced and up to 73% of patients suffer from abdominal pain [3]. Inadequately treated pain can have profound negative effects on the psychosocial and physical well being of the patients and it subjects them to an avoidable anxiety and depression. Morbidity and mortality increase in patients with chronic pain. A good pain relief obtained with Coeliac Plexus Neurolysis (CPN) can improve the morbidity, mortality and well being of the patient [4]. Coeliac plexus neurolysis is conventionally done under CT, fluoroscopic guidance or endoscopic ultrasound. Most patients come for pain management in more advanced stages of cancer and they have difficulty in lying in prone position or subjecting themselves to endoscopy. A procedure which allows the patient to lie supine and can be done at bedside will be most acceptable one.

The objective this study is to evaluate the role of anterior Ultrasound (USG) guided coeliac plexus ethanol neurolysis (CPN) in pain relief among patients with gastric and pancreatic malignancies.

2. Methodology

This study was carried out as an uncontrolled before-and-after non randomized trial among patients with gastric and pancreatic malignancies with abdomen pain. The study was carrie out in the Chronic Pain Management center of our tertiary care hospital, Chennai between September 2015 to March 2016. Based on the available literature, the prevalence of cancer pain was found to be 80% among patients with advanced pancreatic cancers [2]. At 95% level of significance and 15% absolute precision, the sample size was calculated as 27.3. Accounting 10% for non response, the final sample size was calculated as 30.

All the patients with abdominal pain due to gastric and pancreatic malignancy with Numerical Rating Scale for pain (NRS) score of five or more; malignant pain not controlled by conventional analgesics or opioids with NRS score more than 5; and Patients who had pain relief with opioids but unable to tolerate and discontinued them were included in the study. Patient with coagulopathy or altered liver and renal function tests; patients with sepsis, local infection, patients with previous upper abdominal surgery scar which are likely to interfere with ultrasound penetration, patients with severe to moderate ascites were excluded. Approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee was obtained prior to the data collection and informed consent was obtained from the participant prior to the commencement of data collection.

The details of the patients with gastric and pancreatic cancers were obtained from the registry of the Chronic Pain Management Center. The total number of patients whose visits were scheduled between September 2015 and March 2016 were listed out. Out of 80 patients, 30 participants were selected using simple random sampling using table of random numbers.

The procedure of ultrasound guided CPN was done following a pre-assessment. During the preassessment relevant history was obtained and general examination was done. All the patients were on tramadol 200 mg orally for pain relief and seven of them were taking 20-40 mg oral morphine. Ultrasound abdomen and CT abdomen were taken to rule out invasion to vital structures. Normal coagulation profile was ascertained prior to the procedure. Analgesics were stopped on day of procedure. Participants were placed on nil per oral orders eight hours prior to the procedure. Each participant was taught about breath holding. Expected qualitative and quantitative pain relief was discussed and the anticipated complications were explained and informed consent was obtained. Numerical rating scale used for pain assessment was explained to the patient. Injection cefotaxime 1gm was administered one hour prior to the procedure as a prophylactic antibiotic.

Participants were given USG guided diagnostic trial coeliac plexus block with 10 cc of 1% preservative free lignocaine. The USG guided anterior coeliac plexus ethanol neurolysis was done as a bedside procedure after successful diagnostic block. Participant was placed in a supine position, i.v. access obtained and preloading with one litre of RL is done. ECG, NIBP, SPO2 were connected. Strict aseptic precautions for preparation of parts and sterile draping for the USG probe were followed. A SIUI ultrasound machine having a convex transducer of 3-5 Mhz is used for this procedure. Probe was placed in the epigastric region in a transverse orientation. Aorta and the vertebrae were identified. Confirmation of the aorta was done by color flow monitor and power doppler. Transducer was moved obliquely upwards and the coeliac trunk was identified as a branch of artery originating anterior from the aorta. Tilting of the probe enabled the view of the common hepatic artery and the splenic artery, and by placing the transducer in a longitudinal direction, we are able to visualize aorta and its coeliac trunk in longitudinal section. With the probe in transverse orientation, local anesthesia with 2 % lignocaine 4 cc was given and a 22G 15 cm needle is introduced through an out of plane sonographic technique. Once the needle tip was confirmed near the target area, which can be either side of the coeliac trunk, using hydro localisation with 5ml of saline, 10 ml of 1% lignocaine without preservative was injected after negative aspiration of blood and 20ml of 60% ethanol was injected. Spread of ethanol around the coeliac trunk was confirmed sonographically observed hydrolocalization [5]. Dexamethasone 8mg and 2 ml of 1% lignocaine were given before withdrawing the needle. Patient was monitored for 3 hrs before shifting to the ward. Numeric rating scale (NRS) for pain was recorded immediately after injection, 24 and 72 hrs post injection. Patient wase instructed to report after 1 week and also at 3 months for evaluation of pain.

Numeric rating scale (NRS) [6] for pain is used to assess the pain intensity. It is a segmented numeric version of visual analogue score that best reflects the intensity of pain. It is a 11 point numeric scale starting from 0 representing no pain and 10 representing the worst possible pain [6] .The block was considered successful if the NRS pain score was reduced by four points and the duration of pain relief was for more than four hours.

Data was entered and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) ver 16.0 software. Paired sample t test was used to analyse the difference between two related variables.

3. Results

This study was done as a before-and- after study among gastric and pancreatic cancer patients. A total of 30 patients were analysed of which 25 were men and 5 women with a mean age of 44 years. Out of the 30 patients, 20 (66.6%) had pancreatic malignancy. The distribution of the study participants is given in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of the study participants.

Twenty five patients had good pain relief immediately, 24 hours, 72 hours, one week and three months after the procedure. Three patients reported neurolytic pain immediately but reported good pain relief after that episode. Two patients had moderate pain and are continued morphine till the study period. There was a statistically significant difference between pre-NRS and post immediate NRS (mean 8.26 \(\pm\)0.52 and 3.40 \(\pm\)0.47)(P value \(< 0.0001\)) and significant decrease in NRS was seen after 24 hours, 72 hours, 1 week, and 3 months. The pre and post procedure mean NRS scores are given in Figure 2.

Figure 2. NRS Score From Pre-Procedure Up To Three Months post-procedure.

The mean dosage of tramadol consumption pre and post procedure is given in Figure 3. It was observed that the tramadol consumption drastically reduced from pre- to immediate post procedure and further reduced beyond 72 hours, the results were statistically significant p-value\((< 0.0001)\).

Figure 3. Tramadol consumption from pre-procedure upto three months post procedure.

The mean dosage of oral morphine consumption pre and post procedure is given in Figure 4. It was observed that the morphine consumption drastically reduced from pre- to immediate post procedure, the results were statistically significant p-value\((< 0.007)\).

Figure 4. Oral Morphine Consumption from pre-procedure upto three months post procedure.

The prevalence of immediate complications of the procedure is given in Figure 5. Hypotension and procedural pain were the most common complications recorded (7%). Diarrhea was also reported (3%). However, no complications were observed in 83% of the participants.

Figure 5.Complications Documented During The Study.

4. Discussion

WHO advocates pain relief as a right to cancer patients. Patients who are suffering from cancer related pain expects relief from pain as an important and desirable aspect of cancer management. CPN with USG guidance has proven to be a better way to decrease the chronic abdominal pain associated with upper abdominal malignancy.Pancreatic and gastric malignancy patients can have pain relief by having oral analgesics or morphine. In most of the cases their oral therapy is not adequate and so patients need to undergo interventional pain management like coeliac plexus neurolysis as done in this study [1].

Coeliac plexus neurolysis is mostly done under fluoroscopic method but USG guided, anterior percutaneous approach is gaining acceptance. This procedure is equally efficient in reducing pain as that of fluoroscopy guided posterior approach [5]. Being done under real time it can minimize the possibility of intravascular injections and USG guidance facilitates ease of deposit of the drug around the coeliactrunk [2]. The coeliac plexus is found more consistently around coeliactrunk rather than first lumbar vertebrae, which the fluoroscopy guided technique uses as its landmark. So its pain relief is found to be statistically significant. The other advantage of an ultrasound guided procedure is that there is adequate scope to view the organs that we traverse during the injection. Being done in supine position it minimizes the discomfort of lying prone during fluoroscopic method and this is the most important aspect as this will increase the patient cooperativeness when doing the procedure. In our study it is done as a bedside ICU procedure thus eliminating the need for having a dedicated space and it brings down the logistical time required to shift the patients for the procedure [7].

Ultrasound guided intervention eliminates radiation to the performer and the patient. This can augment the acceptance of the procedure by the patient and the physician.Adequately treated pain can improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of the patients. The ultrasound guided CPN is a safe and effective method of reducing pain of upper abdominal cancer with no major complications and high success rate [5]. Our study results found to be similar with [7]. The authors in [8] showed celiac ethanol neurolysis is more effective in reducing pain and leads to decreased opioid requirements and thus their related side effects, and thus preventing deterioration in quality of life in such patients.

The sonographic CPN is an efficient, safe, and fast method for relieving pain in the upper abdominal malignancy. The use of ultrasound helps in real time needle placement, and helps to examine the drug spread around aorta. Our study also found that USG guided real time imaging is an advantage [2].

Our study shows similarity with percutaneous neurolytic coeliac plexus block by Ashley M. Nitschle in documenting significant improvement of abdominal pain and decreased narcotic use and in reporting major complications. This study also shows similar results in terms of patient comfort, direct visualization of Vascular structures. It also documents that traversing abdominal structures including bowel and liver is generally well tolerated [9].

Kambadakone et al., [7] observed Celiac plexus neurolysis does not completely abolish pain; rather, it diminishes pain, helping to reduce opioid requirements and their related side effects and improving survival in patients with upper abdominal malignancy. We concur with this study [3]. Marcy et al., [8] have reported utility of the anterior approach and the real time colour ultrasound guidance in cancer patient lead to 93% success rate for ultrasound guidance in comparison with 100% for CT-guidance. Our study success rate is also similar. Davies [10] in their information obtained from questionnaire to the patient who underwent neurolytic coeliac plexus block over a period of 5 years found that incidence of major complication is one case per 683 blocks. Eisenberg et al., [11] have concluded in their meta analysis of neurolytic coeliac plexus block for cancer pain that NCPB have long lasting benefit in 70-90% of patients with pancreatic and intraabdominal cancers and severe adverse effects are uncommon.

5. Conclusion

USG guided anterior percutaneous Ethanol CPN is effective in reducing chronic abdominal pain of gastric and pancreatic malignancy. It will increase the patient cooperativeness by allowing them to be supine and in a .bedside setting. For the performer it is mostly a single puncture technique, giving real time view of vascular structures and abdominal organs and its complication rates are low. It gives statistically validated improvement in pain relief and subsequent physical and emotional improvement for the patient. Since radiation hazard is eliminated, we can hope that this intervention technique will be embraced more both by the patient and physician.

Author Contributions:

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest:

''The authors declare that they do not have any competing interests.''


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  10. Davies, D. D. (1993). Incidence of major complications of neurolytic coeliac plexus block. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 86(5), 264-266. [Google Scholor]
  11. Eisenberg, E., Carr, D. B., & Chalmers, T. C. (1995). Neurolytic celiac plexus block for treatment of cancer pain: a meta-analysis. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 80(2), 290-295. [Google Scholor]
A study of 50 patients with acute kidney injury due to gastroenteritis Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:44:27 +0000
TCMS-Vol. 2 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 11 - 17 Open Access Full-Text PDF
A. Umakanth, Veera Purushotham, Renuka Devi Nalluri, Chennakesavulu Dara, Phani Krishna Telluri and Khizer
Abstract: Background: With an estimated 13.3 million cases each year, acute kidney injury (AKI) become a problem for world health. India has a high prevalence of AKI following volume depletion from gastrointestinal fluid loss. Due to poor socioeconomic situations, limited access to care, lack of awareness of personal cleanliness, crowding, and climatic factors that encourage the spread of infection, diarrheal illnesses are widespread in India. AKI following gastroenteritis is probably caused by a lack of medical facilities in rural areas and a delay in treating dehydration. Therefore, in order to come up with solutions to this issue, it is necessary to comprehend the disease's clinical spectrum. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective observational study conducted on 50 patients with AKI due to Acute Gastroenteritis admitted to Narayana medical college \& hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, over a period of 1 year. The diagnosis of acute kidney injury was used when there was evidence of kidney injury in some clinical settings without any kidney disease history. The term acute kidney injury was used when there was a rise in Serum creatinine \(\geq44 \mu mol/L (\geq0.5mg/dL)\) and the history of decreased urine output of less than \(0.5ml/kg/hr\) for more than 6hrs. The criteria used for AKI in the study was Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney function, and End-stage kidney disease (RIFLE) criteria (given by Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Group 2004) and is as follows. Results: Pre Renal Azotemia, which occurred in 58% of cases, was followed by Acute Tubular Necrosis, which occurred in 42% of cases in this study. The pre-renal group's mean age was \(49.3 + 5.66\) years, while the ATN group's was \(48.6 + 7.40\) years. The mean age of those who survived was 46.73 4.75, while that of those who did not survive was 65 6.034. On admission, Baseline creatinine with a mean of \(3.032+0.37mg/dl\). It was \(2.70+0.29\) and \(3.48\pm0.77\) inpre-renal and Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) groups. The mean peak creatine was \(4.73+0.48mg/dl\). It was 4.13+ 0.59 in pre-renal and 5.56\(\pm\) 0.66 in ATN groups, respectively. The Mean creatinine at the time of discharge 2.87 \(\pm\) \(0.39mg/dl\). The mean peak creatinine was 2.42 \(\pm\) 0.33 in pre-renal & 3.48+0.42 in ATN groups (In survivors) and 4.11\(\pm\) 0.79 in non-survivors. Conclusion: Replacement of lost fluids, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and delivery of the proper antibiotics made up the course of treatment. Due to the frequent incidence of hypokalemia, ARF brought on by gastroenteritis differs from other ARF and has a better prognosis. An significant electrolyte disruption in AKI brought on by gastroenteritis is hypokalaemia. It was determined that the primary factor leading to death in AKI caused by gastroenteritis is septicemia. ]]>

Trends in Clinical and Medical Sciences

A study of 50 patients with acute kidney injury due to gastroenteritis

A. Umakanth\(^{1}\), Veera Purushotham\(^{1}\), Renuka Devi Nalluri\(^{1}\), Chennakesavulu Dara\(^{2,*}\), Phani Krishna Telluri\(^{2}\) and Khizer\(^{2}\)
\(^{1}\) Department Of General Medicine, ACSR Govt Medical College & Hospital Nellore, Andhra Pradesh-524004, India.
\(^{2}\) Department Of General Medicine ESIC Medical College & Hospital Sanathanagar, Hyderabad-500038, India.
Correspondence should be addressed to Chennakesavulu Dara at


Background: With an estimated 13.3 million cases each year, acute kidney injury (AKI) become a problem for world health. India has a high prevalence of AKI following volume depletion from gastrointestinal fluid loss. Due to poor socioeconomic situations, limited access to care, lack of awareness of personal cleanliness, crowding, and climatic factors that encourage the spread of infection, diarrheal illnesses are widespread in India. AKI following gastroenteritis is probably caused by a lack of medical facilities in rural areas and a delay in treating dehydration. Therefore, in order to come up with solutions to this issue, it is necessary to comprehend the disease’s clinical spectrum.
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective observational study conducted on 50 patients with AKI due to Acute Gastroenteritis admitted to Narayana medical college \& hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, over a period of 1 year. The diagnosis of acute kidney injury was used when there was evidence of kidney injury in some clinical settings without any kidney disease history. The term acute kidney injury was used when there was a rise in Serum creatinine \(\geq44 \mu mol/L (\geq0.5mg/dL)\) and the history of decreased urine output of less than \(0.5ml/kg/hr\) for more than 6hrs. The criteria used for AKI in the study was Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney function, and End-stage kidney disease (RIFLE) criteria (given by Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Group 2004) and is as follows.
Results: Pre Renal Azotemia, which occurred in 58% of cases, was followed by Acute Tubular Necrosis, which occurred in 42% of cases in this study. The pre-renal group’s mean age was \(49.3 + 5.66\) years, while the ATN group’s was \(48.6 + 7.40\) years. The mean age of those who survived was 46.73 4.75, while that of those who did not survive was 65 6.034. On admission, Baseline creatinine with a mean of \(3.032+0.37mg/dl\). It was \(2.70+0.29\) and \(3.48\pm0.77\) inpre-renal and Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) groups. The mean peak creatine was \(4.73+0.48mg/dl\). It was 4.13+ 0.59 in pre-renal and 5.56\(\pm\) 0.66 in ATN groups, respectively. The Mean creatinine at the time of discharge 2.87 \(\pm\) \(0.39mg/dl\). The mean peak creatinine was 2.42 \(\pm\) 0.33 in pre-renal & 3.48+0.42 in ATN groups (In survivors) and 4.11\(\pm\) 0.79 in non-survivors.
Conclusion: Replacement of lost fluids, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and delivery of the proper antibiotics made up the course of treatment. Due to the frequent incidence of hypokalemia, ARF brought on by gastroenteritis differs from other ARF and has a better prognosis. An significant electrolyte disruption in AKI brought on by gastroenteritis is hypokalaemia. It was determined that the primary factor leading to death in AKI caused by gastroenteritis is septicemia.


Acute kidney injury; Gastroenteritis; Creatinine.

1. Introduction

With an estimated 13.3 million cases each year, acute kidney injury (AKI) become a problem for world health. In underdeveloped nations, there are 11.3 million cases every year. Globally, it results in 1.7 million deaths annually; 1.4 million of those deaths occur in low- and middle-income nations. AKI affects 15 to 20% of hospitalised individuals in wealthy nations, whereas it affects 25 to 30% of those in underdeveloped nations [1].

Data on the prevalence, causation, and prognosis of the condition are not entirely known. Acute diarrheal illness, malaria, leptospirosis, snakebites, insect stings, intravascular hemolysis brought on by septicemia, and chemical poisonings (copper sulphate, Vasmol, and pregnancy) are the most typical causes of AKI in India. They make up 40% of all Aki in India [2,3,4].

In the literature, the range of renal failure in the adult population and the variables indicating a bad outcome are not clearly characterised. Planning efforts to prevent AKI and give priority to scarce and expensive therapy modalities is made easier when risk factors and poor prognostic markers are identified in these patients, especially in developing nations.

Different regions of India have different etiologies, courses, and outcomes. According to [5], the volume depletion caused by gastrointestinal fluid loss (35.2%) was the primary etiological factor for acute renal failure (ARF) that was seen. Similar findings were made by Mahajan et al., [6], who reported that volume depletion was the most frequent cause of ARF, and by Jayakumar et al., who discovered that acute diarrheal illness was the most frequent medical cause of ARF [5,6].

India has a high prevalence of AKI following volume depletion from gastrointestinal fluid loss. Due to poor socioeconomic situations, limited access to care, a lack of awareness of personal cleanliness, crowding, and climatic factors that encourage the spread of infection, diarrheal illnesses are widespread in India. AKI following gastroenteritis is probably caused by a lack of medical facilities in rural areas and a delay in treating dehydration.

One of the main causes of AKI in the tropics is decreased intravascular volume in patients with viral gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery, cholera, and food poisoning [7]. This study was carried out to investigate the clinical and biochemical correlation and outcome of AKI related to gastroenteritis because diarrhoea is one of the common causes of AKI in tropical regions.

Hence, an understanding of the disease's clinical spectrum is needed to devise methods to improve the outcome due to this problem.

2. Materials and Methods

This is a prospective observational study conducted on 50 patients with AKI due to Acute Gastroenteritis admitted to Narayana medical college & hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, from Novmeber 2021 to October 2022.

2.1. Inclusion Criteria

  1. All patients with AKI due to Gastroenteritis
  2. All patients of either sex and age above 18 years
  3. The serum creatinine level must rise gradually over 48 hours to \(0.3 mg/dl (26.5 mmol/l)\), reach 1.5 times baseline in 7 days, or decline by 0.5 \(ml/kg/h\) for 6 hours.

2.2. Exclusion Criteria

  1. AKI brought on by conditions other than gastroenteritis is not included.
  2. Patients with acute gastroenteritis who also have chronic kidney disease (CKD).
The diagnosis of acute kidney injury was used when there was evidence of kidney injury in some clinical settings without any kidney disease history. The term acute kidney injury was used when there was a rise in Serum creatinine \(\geq44 \mu mol/L (\geq0.5mg/dL)\) and the history of decreased urine output of less than \(0.5ml/kg/hr\) for more than 6 hrs.

The criteria used for AKI in the study was RIFLE criteria (given by Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Group 2004) and is as follows.

There are many causes of acute kidney injury, of which we used acute gastroenteritis in this study.

  • Acute Gastroenteritis- History of Passage of abnormally liquid or unformed stools at an increased frequency stool weight \(>200 g/d < 2\) weeks in duration.

3. Diagnosis of Azotemia

Laboratory evaluation for azotemia includes Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN/Cr, urinary sodium (Na), urea, urine osmolality (Ur Osmo), urinalysis (UA).

3.1. BUN greater than 21 mg/dL

Significant findings for prerenal azotemia
  • BUN: Cr ratio greater than 20:1
  • Fractional excretion of sodium (FeNa) less than 1, fractional excretion of urea (FeUr) less than 35%
  • Urine osmolality 500 \(mOsm/kg\)
  • UA can show hyaline casts [5]

3.2. Diagnosis of ATI or acute tubular necrosis (ATN)

ATI was synonymous with acute tubular necrosis (ATN). However, frank tubular epithelial necrosis is only 1 histologic pattern observed in clinical ATI and may reflect particular etiologies and/or severity of injury. The diverse pathologic changes are often dynamic and may differ by the timing of kidney tissue procurement and etiology.

3.3. Data collection

The length of the gastroenteritis and the interval between the beginning of GE and the development of renal failure were noted. At the time of admission, the patient's level of hydration was noted. Daily tests and records were made for blood urea, serum creatinine, and electrolytes. Other laboratory tests were performed, including the complete blood count (CBC), the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the blood glucose level, the total leukocyte count and differential count, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and the liver function test.

4. Statistics

Frequency and percentage were used to summarise categorical variables. Mean, SD, and Median were used to represent continuous variables. For all 2 X 2 tables, the chi-square test and Fisher's Exact test were used to determine the association between categorical independent and dependent variables. Small counts rendered the p-value of the Chi-Square test invalid. A p-value of 0.05 or lower indicates statistical significance in all two-sided tests of significance. Version 22.0 of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to analyse the data.

5. Results

There were 50 Patients with Acute Kidney Injury due to gastroenteritis were included in the study.
Table 1. Age group.
Age group Number Percentage
Male Female Total
<24 4 1 5 10.0
25-34 8 2 10 20.0
35-44 5 3 8 16.0
45-54 2 4 6 12.0
55-64 6 4 10 20.0
>65 7 4 11 22.0
Total 32 18 50 100

They were between the ages of 20 and 70, with a mean age of 49.02 years. The maximum incidence was seen in the age group \(>65\) years, followed by 25 to 34 years & 55-64 years, respectively in Table 1.

Table 2. Mean Age of pre-renal ATN patients and in survivors vs non-survivors.
Category Mean Age (Years) P-value
Males 47.12 \(\pm\) 6.03 0.156(ns)
Females 52.38 \(\pm\) 5.21
Pre Renal Azothemia (29) 49.3 \(\pm\) 5.66 0.16(ns)
ATN (21) 48.6 \(\pm\) 7.40
Survivors 46.73 \(\pm\) 4.75 0.21(ns)
Non-Survivors 65 \(\pm\) 6.034

The mean age of the pre-renal group was 49.3 \(\pm\) 5.66 years, and in the ATN group, it was 48.6 \(\pm\) 7.40. The mean age in survivors was 46.73 \(\pm\) 4.75, and that of non-survivors was 65 \(\pm\) 6.034. Pre Renal Azotemia, which was the most common kind of renal failure in this study, was followed by Acute Tubular Necrosis, 42% in Table 2.

Table 3. Patients and dehydration levels and outcome.
Severity No Survivours Non-survivors
Mild 17 17 0
Moderate 20 19 1
Severe 13 6 7
Fluid Overload 3 1 2
No dehydration - - -

In Table 3, 20 (40%) of patients had moderate dehydration. 17 patients had mild dehydration, 13 patients had severe dehydration, andfluid Overload was observed in 3 patients. The majority of non-survivours belong to the group of moderate and severe dehydration.

Table 4. Time between the beginning of GE and the emergence of ARF.
Category The interval between onset of GE and the development of ARF
Pre Renal 4\(\pm\)0.23
ATN 5.19 \(\pm\) 0.68
Survivors 3.71\(\pm\)0.40
Non-Survivors 5.75\(\pm\)0.88

The mean interval between the onset of GE and the development of ARF was 3.0 \(\pm\) 2.9 days. It was \(3.71 + 0.40\) days in survivors and \(5.75 + 0.88\) days in non-survivors. In the pre-renal group, it was \(4+0.23\), and ATN was \(5.19 + 0.68\) days in Table 4.

Table 5. Mean creatinine concentrations at baseline, peak, and discharge.
Creatinine (Mean) Overall Patients (0n admission) Pre-renal ATN Non-survivors
Baseline 3.03 \(\pm\) 0.37 2.70 \(\pm\) 0.29 3.48\(\pm\)0.77 4.7\(\pm\)1.25
Peak 4.73 \(\pm\) 0.48 4.13\(\pm\)0.59 5.56\(\pm\)0.66 7.36\(\pm\)0.52
At the time of Discharge 2.87 \(\pm\) 0.39 2.42\(\pm\)0.33 3.48\(\pm\)0.42 4.11\(\pm\)0.79

In Table 5, On admission, Baseline creatinine with a mean of \(3.032+0.37mg/dl\). It was \(2.70+0.29\) and 3.48\(\pm\)0.77 inpre-renal and ATN groups. Themean peakcreatinewas \(4.73+0.48mg/dl\). It was \(4.13 + 0.59\) in pre-renal and 5.56\(\pm\) 0.66 in ATNgroups, respectively. The Mean creatinine at the time of discharge 2.87 \(\pm\) 0.39 mg/dl. The mean peak creatinine was 2.42 \(\pm\) 0.33 in pre-renal & \(3.48+0.42\) in ATN groups (In survivors) and 4.11\(\pm\) 0.79 in non-survivors.

Table 6. Mean blood urea levels at time of discharge, baseline, and peak.
Blood Urea Overall Patients (0n admission) Pre-renal AKI ATN Non-survivors
Baseline 120.44\(\pm\)18.13 126.41 \(\pm\) 15.52 112.19\(\pm\)24.94 177.75+56.36
Peak 153.76\(\pm\)12.29 139.10 \(\pm\) 14.72 174 \(\pm\) 17.62 201.75+13.92
At the time of Discharge 86.28\(\pm\) 9.07 78.93+13.44 96.42+12.97 133+16.50

In Table 6, At admission, the urea levels ranged between 69 to 251 \(mg/dl\) with a mean of 120.44 \(\pm\) 18.13 \(mg/dl.\) The peak meanurea level was observed as 153.76 \(\pm\) 12.29 mg/dl. At the time of discharge, the urea levels ranged between 35 to 181, with a mean of 86.28 \(\pm\) 9.07mg/dl. The mean peak urea levels in survivors were175.0 \(\pm\) 65.5, and in non-survivors were 201.75 \(\pm\) 13.92 mg/dl.

6. Discussion

The glomerular filtration rate rapidly decreases and nitrogenous waste products like blood urea nitrogen and creatinine are retained in the body when someone has AKI, a syndrome. One of the frequent and serious syndromes seen in clinical practise is AKI. Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the small intestine and stomach that causes diarrhoea, vomiting, and nausea. In India, diarrheal illnesses constitute a significant public health issue.

Furthermore, Pre-Renal Azotaemia 58%, followed by acute Tubular Necrosis in 42%.This is not similar to a study by Shah et al., [8], that reported Acute Tubular Necrosis in 54% followed by Pre-Renal Azotaemia 46%.

Moreover, 42% of patients were in the age group of \(55->65\) years, 36% of patients were in the age group of 25-44 years. This differs from studies of Feest et al., [9], where the Majority of the people were more than 60 yrs, and 48% of ARF cases occurred in patients over 65 yrs in a study by Liaño et al., [10]. This implies the occurrence of AKI more in younger age groups, also observed in other studies. This is mostly related to factors encountered in the environment and exposure due to work-related activities [11].

A study by Pajai et al., [12] demonstrated the major complications noted were hypotension in 32 patients (60.4%), sepsis in 29 patients (54.7%), and multiorgan failure in 9 patients (16.9%), encephalopathy in 4 patients (7.5%), and ARDS 3 patents (5.66%). Inbanathan et al., [13] recorded hypovolemic shock (61%), anemia (19%), pulmonary edema (14%) metabolic encephalopathy (7%) as complications.

Twenty patients in the ATN group saw improvements after receiving conservative care. The ATN group's 34 patients required hemodialysis. None of the 46 patients in the Pre-renal group required hemodialysis since they all responded to conservative treatment. Sixty-six of the 82 patients who lived made improvements with conservative therapy, while sixteen needed hemodialysis.

A study by Shah et al., [8] reported at admission. The mean urea concentration was 150.51 mg/dl with a range of 30 to 401 mg/dl. A mean peak urea level of 166.24 96.14 was recorded. At the time of discharge, the mean urea level was 81.89 61.92. The mean baseline urea level in survivors was 134.75 88.79, while it was 222.32 95.35 in non-survivors. Hyponatremia (145 meq/L) was present in 27 patients (27%) of whom 3 were admitted and the rest were hospitalized.

In Mc Murray's study, 74% of ATN patients had infections. In their study, the urinary tract was the site of infection most frequently (20%), and 7 patients (14%) had septicemia. The incidence of oliguric renal failure reported by Anderson et al., [14] was similar (9%) in this case. In our study, UTI (%) and the lungs were the most commonly infected areas, and 11 patients developed septicemia.

In our study, the most common complication was septicemia was observed. Cardiovascular complications were 43% in Minuth et al., 13 study [15]. Neurological complications were 38%, and Pulmonary complications were 28% in Anderson et al., [14] 12 study.

Oliguria, persistent hypotension, and coma were all found to be substantially linked with greater mortality in our study. In our study, mortality was 16% overall, with the ATN group accounting for the majority of deaths. It is considerably lower than in earlier research. In the prerenal and intrinsic groups of ARF, it was 10.3% and 23.8%, respectively; in a research by Kaufman et al., [16] 60% mortality in the ATN group and 45% overall mortality were reported.

In the pre-renal and ATN groups, the time from the onset of gastroenteritis and the development of AKI was practically comparable, and no statistical difference was found. Age alone has been linked in certain studies to the outcome of AKI, however other investigations have found that age alone is not a predictor of AKI. Given that our study only included a small number of patients who fell within a specific age range, it is not reasonable to draw the conclusion that age and sex are independent predictors of the outcome of AKI.

In our study, there were 15 patients with non-oliguric renal failure (30%), and none of them passed away. The fact that 10 of the 42 oliguric and anuric patients died compared to 10 of the 15 non-oliguria patients suggests that the urine output may be one of the predictive indicators for AKI brought on by gastroenteritis.

7. Limitation

This is a single-center study, and the limited number of patients. Despite the limited sample size, however, the post hoc power of our study is acceptable. Another limitation was that it was not possible to use the KDIGO urinary output criteria, which could have determined underestimation of AKI prevalence.

8. Conclusion

One of the main causes of AKI, gastroenteritis, accounted for 16% of all patient deaths who had AKI in our study. The 50 patients had an ATN diagnosis in 42% of cases and pre-renal azotemia in 58% of cases. 30% of the patients weren't oliguric at admission, 20% had anuria, and 50% of the patients had oliguric symptoms. The most frequent complication, which affected 8 patients, was septicemia. All of them passed away. Due to the frequent incidence of hypokalemia, ARF brought on by gastroenteritis differs from other ARF and has a better prognosis. An significant electrolyte disruption in AKI brought on by gastroenteritis is hypokalaemia. It was determined that the primary factor leading to death in AKI caused by gastroenteritis is septicemia.

Author Contributions:

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest:

''The authors declare that they do not have any competing interests.''


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Awake craniotomy for brain tumors: Indications, benefits, types of anesthesia and surgical techniques Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:31:06 +0000
TCMS-Vol. 2 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 5 - 10 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Omar Al Awar, Patricia Nehmeh and Georgio Haddad
Abstract: Background: Awake brain surgery is used to treat brain tumors and epileptic seizures near areas that control language, movement or cognition, movement disorder, and recently during neurovascular surgery. Methods: Preoperative airway evaluation should be performed in all patients. There are two commonly used anesthetic methods for awake craniotomy: monitored anesthesia care (MAC) and asleep-awake-asleep (AAA) technique, after the tumor resection, sedation is often sufficient until completion of the surgery. In our institution at Mount Lebanon hospital-Balamand university hospital, the combination of propofol and remifentanil has been considered as the standard protocol for sedation during the first stage of awake craniotomy because of the ease of use and reliability. The application of neuro-navigation, and intraoperative electrical mapping are a reliable method to minimize the risk of permanent deficit during surgery for brain tumors in eloquent areas. Results: Whether sedation or an asleep-awake-asleep technique is chosen, it is crucial to apply adequate local anaesthesia on the skin incision what we call elliptic block using combinations of lidocaine and bupivacaine with epinephrine. If we perform awake-asleep-awake anesthesia type than similar to the pre-awake phase, one can also choose awake, spontaneous ventilation under light or deep sedation, or GA with airway control. Sedation often suffices. The patient usually requires lower rates of sedative infusions during the postawake phase than during the pre-awake phase as patients are often fatigued, and there is a lower level of painful stimuli during skull closure. Conclusion: Patients receiving awake craniotomy have better outcomes in many aspects. The improvements in anesthetic agents and techniques, the application of neuro-navigation, and intraoperative electrical mapping are a reliable method to minimize the risk of permanent deficit during surgery. Appropriate patient selection, perioperative psychological support, and proper anesthetic management for individual patients in each stage of surgery are crucial for procedural safety, success, and patient satisfaction. ]]>

Trends in Clinical and Medical Sciences

Awake craniotomy for brain tumors: Indications, benefits, types of anesthesia and surgical techniques

Omar Al Awar\(^{1,2,*}\), Patricia Nehmeh\(^{2,3}\) and Georgio Haddad\(^{2}\)
\(^{1}\) Neurosurgery Department, Mount Lebanon Hospital University Medical Center, Lebanon.
\(^{2}\) University of Balamand, Lebanon.
\(^{3}\) Department of Anesthesiology, Mount Lebanon Hospital University Medical Center, Lebanon.
Correspondence should be addressed to Omar Al Awar at


Background: Awake brain surgery is used to treat brain tumors and epileptic seizures near areas that control language, movement or cognition, movement disorder, and recently during neurovascular surgery.
Methods: Preoperative airway evaluation should be performed in all patients. There are two commonly used anesthetic methods for awake craniotomy: monitored anesthesia care (MAC) and asleep-awake-asleep (AAA) technique, after the tumor resection, sedation is often sufficient until completion of the surgery. In our institution at Mount Lebanon hospital-Balamand university hospital, the combination of propofol and remifentanil has been considered as the standard protocol for sedation during the first stage of awake craniotomy because of the ease of use and reliability. The application of neuro-navigation, and intraoperative electrical mapping are a reliable method to minimize the risk of permanent deficit during surgery for brain tumors in eloquent areas.
Results: Whether sedation or an asleep-awake-asleep technique is chosen, it is crucial to apply adequate local anaesthesia on the skin incision what we call elliptic block using combinations of lidocaine and bupivacaine with epinephrine. If we perform awake-asleep-awake anesthesia type than similar to the pre-awake phase, one can also choose awake, spontaneous ventilation under light or deep sedation, or GA with airway control. Sedation often suffices. The patient usually requires lower rates of sedative infusions during the postawake phase than during the pre-awake phase as patients are often fatigued, and there is a lower level of painful stimuli during skull closure.
Conclusion: Patients receiving awake craniotomy have better outcomes in many aspects. The improvements in anesthetic agents and techniques, the application of neuro-navigation, and intraoperative electrical mapping are a reliable method to minimize the risk of permanent deficit during surgery. Appropriate patient selection, perioperative psychological support, and proper anesthetic management for individual patients in each stage of surgery are crucial for procedural safety, success, and patient satisfaction.


Brain tumors; Awake craniotomy; Monitored anesthesia care.

1. Introduction

A wake craniotomy can be defined as a neurosurgical procedure performed while the patient is awake and alert during surgery. Awake brain surgery is used to treat brain tumors, epileptic seizures near areas that control language, movement or cognition, movement disorder, and recently during neurovascular surgery [1]. When the patient is alert, we can ask questions and request specific movements or responses from the patient so we can monitor brain performance as we operate; this can help ensure the brain remains safe while the tumor is removed.

Early in its history, awake Craniotomy was used to treat epilepsy. The modern era of awake craniotomies began in the late 1920s when Wilder Penfield was attempting to treat patients with intractable epilepsy; Archer, in 1988 first surgeon who performed awake Craniotomy for brain tumors [2, 3]. This procedure has become increasingly popular with broader indications prompted by evidence that patients receiving awake Craniotomy have better outcomes in many aspects.

The improvements in anesthetic agents and techniques, the application of neuro-navigation, and intraoperative electrical mapping are reliable methods to minimize the risk of the permanent deficit during surgery for brain tumors in eloquent areas [3].

2. Indications and contraindications

There are many indications for awake craniotomy. For neuro-oncology, the resection of any intra-axial masses that are near eloquent areas can benefit from awake surgery, as the patient monitoring and the brain mapping that we perform in these surgeries enable us to resect more of the tumor without injuring the cortical centers and subcortical tracts with less risk of post-operative neurological morbidities when we compare it to general anesthesia [4, 5]. Furthermore, as the extent of resection of the lesions in neuro-oncological surgeries is directly correlated to the survival and quality of life in many tumors, awake craniotomy can be superior to classical surgeries. In particular cases, in patients with specific skills like musicians, we perform functional MRI to localize the musical perception area and the relation with the tumor to resect the lesion without disturbing the musical ability. It is an individually tailored mapping.

In epilepsy surgeries, in the case of drug-resistant seizures where the foci are extra temporal, resection becomes difficult, as they are closer to the eloquent cortex in most cases. These cases benefit from awake craniotomy as mapping the cortex before resection protects the critical areas and makes the surgery safer.

Also, the utility of awake surgeries in some neuro-vascular procedures, awake surgery during aneurysm clipping to prevent ischemic episodes during temporary clipping [1], and endarterectomies, where the frequent examination of the patient while clamping the diseases carotid to perform the surgery can show the examiner the dependency of the patient on that particular vascular axis, and help the surgeon chose the proper surgical technique (shunting vs no shunting). Another benefit that can push the surgeon to go for awake surgery to prevent the risks of general anesthesia may prevent extended hospitalization and ICU stay. Also, it will help the anesthesiologists use less invasive methods and catheters to monitor the patients.

On the other hand, there are many factors that contra-indicate awake surgeries. The most important one is patient cooperation, as cases of agitation or non-cooperation while performing the surgery can lead to dangerous outcomes and injuries. This makes patient selection very important. No clear consensus on the proper age for awake surgeries, as they were performed on pediatric and geriatric patients. Patients with difficulty talking, who are somnolent or confused due to some tumor, may not benefit from awake surgery even if its location is ideal due to the impossibility of performing pre-op examinations. Furthermore, long surgeries with heavy blood losses and uncomfortable positions make a relative contra-indication to awake surgery as they can lead to agitation and non-cooperation. Obesity, sleep apnea, and other conditions that can lead to insecure airway stability can cause a relative contra-anesthesia in Awake craniotomy.

3. Preoperative preparation

Awake craniotomy requires a highly cooperative patient and an expert surgical team. Preoperative airway evaluation should be performed in all patients. Control of preoperative anxiety before awake craniotomy is important and can be relieved by proper preoperative counseling about the anesthetic and surgical procedures. Therefore preoperative consultation by an anesthesiologist is a necessary process. The anesthesiologist should outline the overall awake craniotomy procedures, including positioning, scalp nerve block, possible discomfort, and the motor and language test. A good anesthesiologist-patient relationship is essential, and the anesthesiologist should attempt to alleviate the anxiety and discomfort of the patient.

4. Anesthetic approaches for awake craniotomy

Various anesthetic techniques may be helpful for awake craniotomy. Among them are two commonly used anesthetic methods for awake craniotomy: monitored anesthesia care (MAC) and the asleep-awake-asleep (AAA) technique. The anesthesiologists should provide sufficient sedation and analgesia during the initial craniotomy; rapid and smooth emergence of patients is required for the intraoperative neurophysiologic test, including motor and language tests and brain mapping.

After the tumor resection, sedation is often sufficient until the completion of the surgery. The sedation profile during the first stage of awake craniotomy, from scalp incision to dura opening, plays a pivotal role in the quality of intraoperative consciousness. The anesthesiologist should restore the patient's consciousness to the preoperative state for neurophysiologic tests and brain mapping to be performed successfully.

In our institution at Mount Lebanon hospital-Balamand university hospital, the combination of propofol and remifentanil has been considered the standard protocol for sedation during the first stage of awake craniotomy because of the ease of use and reliability. The propofol and remifentanil-based AAA technique allow a smooth emergence and rapid recovery of consciousness for intraoperative neurophysiologic testing. The propofol and remifentanil-based MAC technique is associated with dose-dependent respiratory depression, which can produce hypercapnia and subsequent brain edema. Therefore, achieving the optimal sedation level for an individual is crucial. Meanwhile, light sedation risks causing accidental patient movement, and anxiety is likely. Generally, drowsiness but readily responsive state is considered the optimal sedation in awake craniotomy, and experienced anesthesiologists are required to accomplish this balance in the complex setting.

Dexmedetomidine, an alternative to propofol for the MAC technique during awake craniotomy, can also be used. It is a selective alpha-2 agonist with sedative, analgesic, anxiolytic, and sympatholytic properties. The advantageous effects of dexmedetomidine, such as minimal effect on neurophysiologic monitoring, stable hemodynamics, and minimal respiratory depression, make it suitable for sedation during awake craniotomy. Dexmedetomidine and the scalp nerve block were used successfully in awake craniotomy, but it can cause bradycardia, that's why it needs good dose monitoring techniques.

Anesthesia for awake craniotomy is one of the most challenging fields for anesthesiologists. The MAC and AAA techniques are feasible and safe anesthetic techniques for awake craniotomy, and an adequate regional block is required for effective intraoperative pain control and better patient satisfaction. Appropriate patient selection, perioperative psychological support, and proper anesthetic management for individual patients in each stage of surgery are crucial for procedural safety, success, and patient satisfaction.

5. Pre-operative planning

The neuro-onology multi-disciplinary team meeting should discuss most awake craniotomies for brain tumor resection. Good radiological imaging should be done for surgical planning, including diffuse tensor imaging (DTI) if the tumor. In addition, a formal speech and motor power assessment evaluation is usually carried out up to 2 days before surgery (baseline) and repeated intra-operatively to identify errors during stimulation. Although fMRI is increasingly being adopted as a practical preoperative planning tool for brain tumor resection, there remains a substantial discrepancy about its current use and presumed utility.

In a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation, a patient's emotional state and ability to cooperate during awake surgery are usually assessed, and meeting the team before surgery is crucial as well. Indication, and so a proper evaluation by the anesthesiologist pre-op should be performed.

Surgical Technique As with any awake technique, delays and technical problems in the operating theatre should be avoided. The team should be aware of the presence of an awake patient by a sign on the entrance of the operating room, and noise should be kept to a minimum. The operating theatre becomes crowded, staff movement should be restricted, and a calm atmosphere should be maintained at all times. Patient comfort is essential. We should ask the patient if they are comfortable, the operating table should be adequately padded, and attention should be paid to head and limb positioning. That should be double-checked before draping the patient. It is usually preferable to allow the patient to position themselves on the operating table before the institution of sedation or anaesthesia to lie in the most comfortable position. If a Mayfield head fixator is used, adequate local anaesthesia should be applied prior to application of the pins. Surgical drapes should be positioned, allowing the anaesthetist constant and unimpeded access to the airway while preserving a sterile field. The use of transparent drapes reduces the feelings of claustrophobia.

Whether sedation or an asleep-awake-asleep technique is chosen, it is crucial to apply adequate local anaesthesia on the skin incision called elliptic block, using combinations of lidocaine and bupivacaine with epinephrine. The skin, scalp, pericranium, and periosteum of the outer table of the skull are all innervated by cutaneous nerves arising from branches of the trigeminal nerve; subcutaneous infiltration with local anaesthesia in the manner of a field block or over specific sensory nerve branches blocks afferent input from all layers of the scalp.

The skull can be drilled and opened without pain or discomfort to the patient since there is no sensory innervation. However, the dura is innervated by branches from all three divisions of the trigeminal nerve, the recurrent meningeal branch of the vagus, and branches of the upper cervical roots [1]. Usually, in most brain tumor surgery, we use neuro-navigation to minimize the incision size and identify the vascular anatomy and cortical anatomy.

Functional neuroimaging has improved the pre-planning of surgery in eloquent cortical areas but remains unable to map white matter. Thus, tumor resection in functional subcortical regions still presents a high risk of sequelae. The authors successfully used intraoperative electrical stimulations to perform subcortical language pathway mapping to avoid a definitive postoperative deficit. They correlated these functional findings with the anatomical location of the eloquent bundles detected using postoperative MRI [4, 5].

6. Awake phase

The goal is to transition smoothly and rapidly without agitation, confusion, or drowsiness from sedation or anesthesia to an awake patient. The patient needs to be engaged, cooperative, pain-free, and comfortable for mapping and tumor resection. All agents are stopped; I prefer to keep the patient awake. Pain should be managed with supplemental Local aesthesia. Non-pharmacological intraoperative management should be used to reduce fear and anxiety. Empathy, handholding, reassurance, ongoing encouragement, coaching, and conversation are all useful and important. A sponge soaked with ice-cold water can be used to wet the patient's lips and mouth for comfort. The patient can be allowed to move limbs and hips at appropriate times. An air blanket is used to provide either warm or cool air to maintain a comfortable temperature [6, 7, 8].

7. Physiological test

8. Motor and sensory pathways

Awake surgery accurately maps both cortical and subcortical pathways of the limbs, face, and mouth. Mapping can elicit or inhibit movements. Responses of orofacial musculature, laryngeal activity, and vocalizations can be recorded as tingling or movement, for example, withdrawal of protruded tongue or speech arrest [6, 9]. Similarly, tingling, twitching, or movement in the limbs may be elicited, most commonly in arms and hands [8, 10]. The anesthesiologist should observe the patient and report every movement to the surgeon. That is why the anesthesia team should examine the patient before surgery, and the patient should also be instructed to report any abnormal movement or sensation. The stimulation mapping not only delineates the cortical areas but also allows the surgeon to stimulate and monitor subcortical tracts.

9. Language

It is not easy to localize speech areas based on anatomical landmarks. To assess speech, the Visual Object Naming Test is frequently used. The Boston Naming Test consists of 60 drawings of everyday objects graded in difficulty, for example, window, car, dog, and guitar [11]. In addition, language functions can be studied with more terrific refinement and complexity. Bilingual patients need to be tested in both languages, as the anatomical areas may not entirely overlap. Classic models of language organization posited that separate motor and sensory language foci existed in the inferior frontal gyrus (Broca's area) and superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke's area), respectively, and that connections between these sites (arcuate fasciculus) allowed for auditory-motor interaction. These theories have predominated for more than a century, but advances in neuroimaging and stimulation mapping have provided a more detailed description of the functional neuroanatomy of language. New insights have shaped modern network-based models of speech processing composed of parallel and interconnected streams involving both cortical and subcortical areas. Recent models emphasis-size processing in "dorsal" and "ventral" pathways, mediating phonological and semantic processing, respectively; phonological processing occurs along a dorsal pathway, from the posterosuperior temporal to the inferior frontal cortices. On the other hand, semantic information is carried in a ventral pathway that runs from the temporal pole to the basal occipitotemporal cortex, with anterior connections.

10. Visual

Intraoperative brain mapping of the cortical visual cortex with subcortical mapping of visual tracts may be useful to minimize the risk of permanent hemianopia in tumors located in the parieto-occipital area. Identifying optic radiations by direct subcortical electrostimulation is a dependable method to reduce permanent injury in surgery for gliomas involving visual pathways [11, 12]. In addition, methods to identify other functions, such as memory and counting, are of interest and are being developed.

11. Challenges during the awake phase

The main challenges during awake craniotomy include: hypertension, seizures, somnolence, agitation, oxygen desaturation, tight brain, and shivering.

  1. Hypertension: This is most commonly secondary to pain, agitation, and anxiety. However, other causes should also be sought such as hypoxia, hypercapnia, and dexmedetomidine (DEX) associated [5, 6, 9, 13]. Treatment should focus on managing the cause. Labetalol or esmolol may sometimes be necessary.
  2. Seizures: Seizure incidence is 3\% to 16\% and happens during cortical and subcortical stimulation mapping [14, 15]. If the surgeon avoids stimulating an area twice in rapid succession, the incidence is less. Continuous monitoring of electrocorticography for spikes or sharp waves within 5 seconds after each stimulation allows early detection [17]. Patients with a history of seizure and younger patients, especially with tumors of the frontal lobe, are more prone to seizures [17]. Intraoperative seizures have a higher incidence of transient motor deterioration, and longer hospitals stay [11, 16]. First-line treatment of stimulation-evoked seizures is irrigation of the cortex with a cold crystalloid solution, which can be repeated as often as necessary.
  3. Emergence agitation and delirium may occur if the pre-awake phase is with GA or deep sedation. Contributing factors include older age; pain; disorientation; inappropriate use of naloxone, flumazenil, neostigmine, and atropine; oxygen desaturation; hypercapnia; urethral stimulation, and bladder distention. It can be tough to manage, and there is no consensus on the best approach. An approach is to reinduce anesthesia with a propofol bolus, then administer a dexmedetomidine bolus before the second wake-up attempt [10, 18].
  4. Somnolence: This usually reflects residual anesthetic effects or from anti-consultants. The best strategy is prevention by early termination of DEX and propofol, and the avoidance of large doses of midazolam or longer acting opioids.
  5. Nausea and vomiting: These are most commonly associated with opioids; other common associated factors are age, gender, and anxiety. The incidence is much lower with the common use of propofol. Management includes empathy, ondansetron, and small dose of propofol.
  6. Hypothermia and shivering: These should be prevented by the use of blankets, warm air devices, and appropriate room temperature. Tramadol or meperidine may be effective [6]. Post-awake and post operative care.

Suppose we perform an awake-asleep-awake anesthesia type similar to the pre-awake phase. In that case, one can also choose awake, spontaneous ventilation under light or deep sedation, or GA with airway control. Sedation often suffices. The patient usually requires lower rates of sedative infusions during the post-awake phase than during the pre-awake phase, as patients are often fatigued, and there is a lower level of painful stimuli during skull closure. The patient should initially require to be admitted to the neurosurgical intensive care unit, with hourly neuro observation for the first 24 hours. Pain management can be achieved intravenously with small doses of opioids, including with patient-controlled analgesia, and oral opioids combined with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Author Contributions:

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest:

''The authors declare no conflict of interest.''


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Hyperbaric bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia in adults patients: Comparison of isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% in 80mg/ml and 40mg/ml glucose solutions Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:09:05 +0000
TCMS-Vol. 2 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 1 - 4 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Patricia Wadih Nehme, Joseph Mounir Maalouli, Marie Tanios Merheb and Elie Mikhael Gharios
Abstract: Background: The Baricity of bupivacaine is one of the most important factors in influencing the distribution of the local anaesthetic and the spread of the blockade. Bupivacaine is rendered hyperbaric by adding glucose. The effect of differing degrees of hyperbaricity remains to be evaluated regarding spinal anesthesia blockade. Methods: Hundred patients who underwent lower abdominal, hips, and lower extremity surgeries were randomized into two groups in a double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, prospective study. Group I received 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with 80 mg/ml of glucose, while Group II received 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with 40 mg/ml of glucose. The injection was made intrathecally in the midline position at L3-4 and L4-L5 interspace in the sitting position. The measured sensory blockade and motor blockade are the onset and duration. Duration of sensory block was the time measured from the time of the highest block for the regression to the S2 dermatome. Results: Success rate, spread, and duration of sensory block were similar in both groups. The highest median level of sensory block was T3 (T2-T7) (median (10th/90th percentiles)) in both groups. The time to reach T10 did not differ between the groups. Power analysis suggested that a total number of 100 adults were required in both groups for a 90% chance at the 0.05 level of significance of detecting a 10% difference in success between groups. Categorical data were tested using the chi-square test. For continuous data, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results are presented as median (10-90\(^{th}\) percentiles), number (%) of cases ,the significance was set as \(P< 0.05.\) Conclusion: These results demonstrate that bupivacaine in 80mg/ml glucose provides reliable spinal anaesthesia of shorter duration and with less hypotension than bupivacaine in 40 mg/ml glucose. The recovery profile for ropivacaine may be of interest given that more surgery is being performed in the day-case setting. ]]>

Trends in Clinical and Medical Sciences

Hyperbaric bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia in adults patients: Comparison of isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% in 80mg/ml and 40mg/ml glucose solutions

Patricia Wadih Nehme\(^{1,*}\), Joseph Mounir Maalouli\(^{1}\), Marie Tanios Merheb\(^{1}\) and Elie Mikhael Gharios\(^{1}\)
\(^{1}\) Mount Lebanon Hospital, Balamand University Medical Center, Hazmieh, Beirut-Lebanon.
Correspondence should be addressed to Patricia Wadih Nehme at


Background: The Baricity of bupivacaine is one of the most important factors in influencing the distribution of the local anaesthetic and the spread of the blockade. Bupivacaine is rendered hyperbaric by adding glucose. The effect of differing degrees of hyperbaricity remains to be evaluated regarding spinal anesthesia blockade.
Methods: Hundred patients who underwent lower abdominal, hips, and lower extremity surgeries were randomized into two groups in a double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, prospective study. Group I received 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with 80 mg/ml of glucose, while Group II received 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with 40 mg/ml of glucose. The injection was made intrathecally in the midline position at L3-4 and L4-L5 interspace in the sitting position. The measured sensory blockade and motor blockade are the onset and duration. Duration of sensory block was the time measured from the time of the highest block for the regression to the S2 dermatome.
Results: Success rate, spread, and duration of sensory block were similar in both groups. The highest median level of sensory block was T3 (T2-T7) (median (10th/90th percentiles)) in both groups. The time to reach T10 did not differ between the groups. Power analysis suggested that a total number of 100 adults were required in both groups for a 90% chance at the 0.05 level of significance of detecting a 10% difference in success between groups. Categorical data were tested using the chi-square test. For continuous data, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results are presented as median (10-90\(^{th}\) percentiles), number (%) of cases ,the significance was set as \(P< 0.05.\)
Conclusion: These results demonstrate that bupivacaine in 80mg/ml glucose provides reliable spinal anaesthesia of shorter duration and with less hypotension than bupivacaine in 40 mg/ml glucose. The recovery profile for ropivacaine may be of interest given that more surgery is being performed in the day-case setting.


Bupivacaine; Glucose; Surgery.

1. Introduction

The Baricity of bupivacaine is one of the most critical factors in influencing the distribution of the local anesthetic and the spread of the blockade [1]. Bupivacaine is rendered hyperbaric by adding glucose. The effect of differing degrees of hyperbaric remains to be evaluated in terms of spinal anesthesia blockade. The measured sensory blockade and motor blockade are the onset and duration. Duration of sensory block was the time measured from the time of the highest block for the regression to the S2 dermatome.

The aim of this prospective, randomized, double-blinded study was to make a direct comparison between 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine in 80 mg/ml and 40 mg/ml of glucose in terms of spinal anesthesia blockade and that the recovery profile for bupivacaine may be of interest given that more surgery is being performed in the day case setting [2].

Spinal anaesthesia is popular in both small children and older people. Spinal anaesthesia produces rapid onset, profound, and uniformly distributed analgesia with good neuromuscular block. Local amide anaesthetics (bupivacaine) are used regularly, and spinal anaesthesia allows the use of a small dose with a low risk of systemic toxicity. Baricity (weight of anaesthetic solution about the weight of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)) is one of the most critical factors that influence distribution of local anaesthetic solutions in CSF. Solutions administered most frequently are hyperbaric as they produce a more predictable block in both adults and children [3]. Studies in adults have found that the addition of a small amount of glucose to increase the Baricity of bupivacaine solution just into the hyperbaric range improved the predictability of spinal block [4]. Two different hyperbaric bupivacaine solutions (80 mg/ml glucose and 40 mg/ml glucose) were compared.

2. Patients and methods

Our Ethics Committee approved the study. All patients gave informed consent. We studied 100 patients, ASA I-II, aged 20-60 yr, undergoing day-case surgery below the umbilicuslower abdominal, hips, and lower extremity surgeries ) and were randomized into two groups in a double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, prospective study. Group I received 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with 80 mg/ml of glucose, while Group II received 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with 40 mg/ml of glucose. Patients with a known contraindication to spinal punctures, such as increased intracranial pressure, haemorrhagic diathesis, infection at block, or allergy to bupivacaine, were excluded. Data were collected between July 2021 and June 2022. We used a double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, prospective study design. Patients were allocated randomly (computer-generated) to receive spinal anaesthesia . Intraoperative monitoring consisted of non-invasive arterial pressure measurements every 5 min, continuous ECG, ventilatory frequency, peripheral arterial oxygen saturation, and end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration. Appropriate treatment was given if systolic arterial pressure or heart rate decreased to less than 75% of baseline. All adverse effects were recorded. All patients were administered oxygen and monitored closely by the anaesthetist or anaesthetic nurse. Lumbar puncture was performed in the sitting position using a midline approach at the L3-4 or L4-5 interspace. Standard 27-gauge, 90-mm long spinal needles(Pencan). Correct placement was verified by free aspiration of CSF. After injection of local anaesthetic, free aspiration of CSF has verified again, and the patient was placed in the supine, horizontal position. During spinal puncture, the following variables were recorded: interspace used; and time to complete the block. The highest median level of sensory block was T3 (T2-T7) (median (10th/90th percentiles)) in both groups. Time to reach T10 did not differ between the groups. A pinprick testing was used to evaluate the width of the analgesic area 15 min after injection of the anaesthetic. A movement in a rostral direction along the surface of the trunk was used until the patient reported mild pain, indicating the upper border of the analgesic area. The procedure was repeated until the level of the first painful segment was confirmed. Motor block was assessed using a modified Bromage scale recording the patient's ability to flex the ankle, knee, and hip (0=no motor block, 3=complete motor block of the legs and feet). After the operation, patients were transferred to the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) for continuous monitoring of vital signs and regression of block. Regression of sensory block by two segments was tested every 5 min, and the time was recorded. Patients were discharged when awake, could walk unaided, had stable vital signs for at least one h, had no pain or only mild pain, had no nausea or vomiting, and could tolerate clear fluids. Time to discharge was measured from spinal puncture to actual discharge from the hospital/PACU. Power analysis suggested that a total of 100 adults were required in both groups; 50 patients were required in each group for a 90% chance at the 0.05 level of significance of detecting a 10% difference in success between groups. Categorical data were tested using the chi-square test. For continuous data, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results are presented as median (10-90th percentiles), number (%) of cases, and the significance was set as \(P< 0.05\).

3. Results

Patient data and the characteristics of spinal punctures were comparable between groups. The success rate of the spinal block was high in both groups, with no differences between groups (Table 1). These results demonstrate that bupivacaine in 80 mg/ml glucose provides reliable spinal anaesthesia with shorter duration and less hypotension than bupivacaine in 40 mg/ml glucose. The recovery profile for bupivacaine may be of interest, given that more surgery is being performed in the daycare setting. One hundred patients were randomized into two groups in a double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, prospective study. Both groups had similar characteristics for a spinal puncture(median 10-90\(^{th}\) percentile) with L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels used for spinal puncture with the dose of isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% of 10 mg and the time for the complete block was 30 sec in bupivacaine 0.5% with 80 mg/ml glucose and 60 sec in bupivacaine 0.5% with 40 mg/ml group. The characteristics of sensory block in the two groups were as follow, the height of sensory block was at T4 in both groups and the regression of block by two segments, the regression of block to T7, and the time to discharge from hospital was shorter in bupivacaine 0.5% with glucose 80 mg/ml group compared to bupivacaine 0.5% with 40 mg/ml glucose group (Table 2). The regression of block by two segments was 63 min in group I and 85 min in group II. The regression of block to T7 was 80 min in group I and 103 min in group II.

Time to discharge from hospital was 237 min in group I and 340 min in group II.

There was no differences between groups in the incidence of adverse effects.
Table 1. Characteristics of the spinal puncture and the success rate of spinal anesthesia in the two groups(number %).
Bupivacaine in 80mg/ml glucose N=55 Bupivacaine in 40 mg/ml glucose N=52
Interspace used for spinal puncture: L3-L4 20 17
L4-L5 35 35
Time to complete (s) 30 60
Sensory block complete 52 51
Motor block complete 53 52
Table 2. Characteristics of sensory block in the two groups (median(10-90 th percentile)). Times are after spinal puncture.
Bupivacaine 0.5% with glucose 80 mg/ml N=55 Bupivacaine 0.55 with glucose 40 mg/ml N=55
Height of sensory block (dermatome) T4(T1-T7) T4(T1-T5)
Regression of block by two segments (min) 63 85
Regression of block to T7 (min) 80 103
Time to discharge from hospital (min) 237 340

4. Discussion

We have compared the anesthetic effects of isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% in 80 mg/ml and 40 mg/ml of glucose solutions. Thus baricity was the main factor responsible for differences in the spinal block. In agreement with the previous studies, a slightly hyperbaric bupivacaine solution produced a predictable sensory block. However, the spread of the block did not show the narrow range observed in adults [5]. In this study, the success rate of spinal with bupivacaine 0.5% in glucose 80 mg/ml was high to complete surgery [6]. We measured the analgesic area using pinprick testing to assess the height and duration of anesthesia and analgesia. The results of our study confirm our earlier findings that the characteristics of sensory block in the two groups, the height of sensory block, the regression of block by two segments, and regression to T7 plus the time to discharge from hospital was shorter in bupivacaine 0.5% with glucose 80 mg/ml group compared to bupivacaine 0.5% with glucose 40 mg/ml group.

Mild hypotension was reported in 15 patients, and 20 reported shivering, a normal physiological response during spinal anesthesia. These results demonstrate that bupivacaine in 80 mg/ml glucose provides reliable spinal anaesthesia of shorter duration and with less hypotension than bupivacaine in 40 mg/ml glucose. The recovery profile for ropivacaine may be of interest given that more surgery is being performed in the day-case setting.

Author Contributions:

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest:

''The authors declare no conflict of interest.''


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  2. Whiteside, J. B., Burke, D., & Wildsmith, J. A. W. (2003). Comparison of ropivacaine 0.5%(in glucose 5%) with bupivacaine 0.5%(in glucose 8%) for spinal anaesthesia for elective surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 90(3), 304-308. [Google Scholor]
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