Accretion onto Regular Magnetic Black Hole in Non-minimal Einstein-Yang-Mills Theory
OMS-Vol. 1 (2017), Issue 1, pp. 16–24 | Open Access Full-Text PDF
A. Aslam, Piyali Bhar
Abstract: In this work, we investigate the process of accretion for static spherical symmetric geometries for isotropic fluid. For analyze this process we use the nonminimal magnetically charged regular black holes. For this purpose, we obtain generalized expressions for the accretion rate \(\dot{M}\), critical radius \(r_s\), critical speed \(v^2_s\) and squared sound speed \(c^2_s\) during the accretion process near the regular black holes. Finally, we study the behavior of radial velocity, energy density and rate of change of mass for each
regular black hole by plotting graph.
regular black hole by plotting graph.