Rethinking the halting problem-angles trisectability cryptographic analogy
Abstract: The “angle trisection-halting problem” impossibility analogy is fundamentally based on the obscure perception that; the classical geometric notion of constructability in Euclidean plane geometry corresponds to the modern theory of computability. Specifically, the difficulty of empirical trisectability of any angle has been viewed as analogous to the impossibility of solving the halting problem. The primary goal of this paper is to establish the inherent incompatibility between the geometric trisectioning of angles and the halting problem. The exposed proof concern the genetic solutions methodic characterization of the inconsistencies between the angle trisection problem and the halting problem. We show that regarding their attempts at solutions, the genetic trisectability of an arbitrary angle leads to solving the halting problem in geometric cryptographic schemes. It is upon the characteristic inconsistencies that we establish a provable refute of the validity of considering the practical applications of geometric cryptography as a solid source for cryptographic principles.